Today was kind of boring. We went to Kutna Hora and walked around. Everything seemed to be closed though so we couldn't go into any shops or anything. There was a cathedral that we could have gone into if we wanted to pay 20 koruna. But the young people are on a budget & I think we've seen enough cathedrals for awhile. We did, however, go into The Ossuary before we arrived in Kutna Hora. It's a church and cemetery that sometime in the 15th century, I think, the monks brought dirt from Jerusalem and laid it down in the ground surrounding the church. Since that was considered holy ground/dirt everyone wanted to be burried there. Finally, in the 18th century, the cemetery filled up with bones. People kept wanting to be burried there so they dug up bones and commissioned someone to decorate the inside of the church w/them. Now, there's a bunch of sculptures and chandeliers that are made out of HUMAN bones. It's very interesting but also incredibly morbid. They kicked Lance out because he had his iPod w/him. That was kind of stupid, but oh well. I remember making jokes with Lance and Ryan that our Christmas card pictures were going to be of this place. I think it's still hilarious. That's what the pic above is from.
Then we went into Kutna Hora and got bored to the point where we just laid on a section of grass and chilled. I was hoping to find something for my mother there but since all the stores were closed, I couldn't. We managed to lose Adrine within 5 minutes of getting there, which (sadly) is a good thing. She must've found more luck with the stores because she bought a necklace but whatever. Actually it's a very pretty necklace and I kind of wish I had gone with her but there's not much I can do about it now. My mom loves her earrings though so I guess it's good that I that I didn't find anything else.
I didn't want to spend the day with her anyway. She's been very annoying so it was good not to spend ALL day with her. She's very immature and constantly wants attention and that pisses us all off. When the majority of us goes out to a bar or something, she fakes getting drunk just so one of the guys will have to carry her. And it usually ends up being Lance or Alex. It's totally stupid and lame and we're all kind of fed up with her bullshit. Whatever; if she does it again, Garineh and I are gonna call her on it. A few nights later, we were all playing truth or dare and Adrine's turn came and she asked for truth and Garineh asked her if she was faking getting drunk and she admitted that she wasn't as drunk as she claimed to be. Anyway, that's pretty much all that's been going on.
I was a little anti-social yesterday because I was worried about my sister and a little about my situation with Travis. I can't decide if I want to continue seeing him when I get back. It's very confusing because I don't miss him all that much but @ the same time, I think about him a lot. Whatever, I guess I'll just have to see how things go when I get back. Looking back on it now, I should've ended things with hime before going to Europe instead of stringing him along.
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