Monday, May 11, 2009


After 3 LONG years of searching for the name of the most delicious tasting pastry I've ever had, I have succeeded! It's called Kürtőskalács. The english translation is: Stove Cake. It's a Hungarian pastry that comes from the Transylvanian region of Hungary. They are typically eaten at celebratory events like weddings and Christenings but they are frequently sold to tourists in Budapest, which is where I fell in love with this delicious gift from heaven. You have no idea how incredibly excited I am about this!

Monday, May 4, 2009

My fortress of solitude

That's what I like to call Colby Ranch in the Angeles Forest. It's where my church holds it's yearly Jr. High camp for a week at the end of July. That place literally rejuvenates my soul. I feel so much better coming down from there than I do when I usually go up. Even though I didn't get to explore as much as I would have liked to this weekend, just being there does me good and I get to go back in a couple of weeks which is nice. Hopefully, I won't need the retreat nearly as much as I needed this one, but it will be a welcome break from my everyday life because it always is.